Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)

 I was really surprised by this movie. Not only did I not know there was a movie after I watched all the episodes from the tv series, I didn't know there were so many early and current at the time stars in the movie. Donald Sutherland, Luke Perry, Hilary Swank, David Arquette and Pee Wee Herman himself, Paul Reubens. It was just too funny most of the time and not as gory as I though it would be. I do miss the vampires turning to dust like they do in the TV show. Saw lots of gymnastics with the lead, Buffy, played by Kristy Swanson. This definitely helped her as she turned into the vampire-fighting femme fatale. Donald Sutherland played their version of Giles, the name of Merrick. There were so many moves in this movie that could have been made but weren't, but maybe that was for the sake of the movie itself. Reubens played Amilyn, the side-kick to the lord vampire Lothos, played by Rutger Hauer. Reubens took all the opportunities in the movie to be funny and just ran with them. Well done to him for playing that kind of vampire. Buffy's boyfriend and her best friends do treat her horribly and just reminded me so much of how high school kids can be. So much change with being socially accepted, trying to be in the "in" crowd and of course, dating the jock. This movie had no Spike, no Angel and no Willow. But it did sort-of have a Xander in Luke Perry's Oliver Pike character. Over-all very fun movie to watch.


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