The American Society of Magical Negroes

 I saw this movie and wanted more. I wanted more of the magical world. I wanted more adventure. I wanted higher stakes. I just wanted - more. A young black artist, Aren, fails to sell his yarn art. Bartender, Roger, notices this young man has a heart and invites him into the world of magic and friendship. Black people from all over the U.S. are in this magical community and they are taught to make sure white people are ok. Because if white people are ok, then black people can be ok. Aren decides to join this magical community and they get him a job. A really NICE job, next to his client: Jason. Aren needs to make sure Jason is ok. Work wise and life wise. And then there comes a woman, Lizzie. Aren met her first, and is smitten. But talking to Jason, Jason has had a crush on Lizzie for a while. Lizzie gets along better with Aren than she does Jason, but if Aren makes a move - then ALL Black people in the U.S. lose their magical powers. And if the leader, Dede, finds out about it, then that person is banned and their memory is erased. So what is Aren gonna do? Follow his heart, or honor his commitment to the magical world? I just wanted more. I wanted more at stake than the woman. I wanted more of the U.S. and the different states and the stakes different people had with their clients. We get to see a few, but not enough. Not enough to color the world that this director created. Yes, it's tongue in cheek. Yes, it's silly. Yes, it's so Non-PC. But there's so much more they could have done. 


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