Mr. Mom

 I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to see this movie because I love the song "Adam West" which has a line in it about audience members concerned that Batman is Mr. Mom. So the working man and the stay at home mom, 3 kids, lots of laundry, lots of home care, friends in the neighborhood, that kind of thing. Then Jack gets "laid-off" and the wife decides to use her education and go get a job. And she does. But her boss make a play for her more than once, and one of the ladies of the neighborhood is a little friendly to Jack. The kids know more about the soap operas that Jack watches and they know the name of the vacuum cleaner is "Jaws". The turn of the tables was so spot on for the 80s. The 1950s and 60s stereotype of just the man working and the woman staying home changes hands and hits people in the face with this movie. The visit to the meat market was one of the best, as the women in line behind him roll their eyes as he doesn't know what cut of meat to get and what kind of cheese, etc. Because his wife would have known and moved the line along. It's good to see how far we've come from this movie and the stereotypes. I'm glad I saw it, but I wonder where the kids are now...


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