How to M@r@er your wife (1965)

 I had to edit the title of the actual 1965 movie because back then, they had a sense of humor. So, I did watch this movie. And I smiled. And my husband smiled. And I enjoyed it. The main character is a bachelor, with a good job, a huge house, a nice car and a butler. Or man servant, who refers to himself just as "Mr. Ford's Man." So when Mr. Ford goes out and sets up scenes of murder and mystery, his Man takes pictures from afar. And then, from these pictures, comes a cartoon strip. In which Mr. Ford gets paid for. It's his life and his work. One night, makes a mistake. He's at a bachelor party, meets the girl who pops out of the cake, and wakes up the next day and she has a wedding ring on her hand. And she doesn't speak English - she speaks only Italian. What is he gonna do? How does he get rid of her? That's the rest of the movie. So many things he tries and so many things she learns about American living. The best scene for me is the court room. He proves his case the best way he knows how and not one woman in the court room is pleased. This movie isn't for everyone, especially those born after 1990, but for me, it's just fun. It's Jack Lemmon playing a role and Terry Thomas playing his "man" and Virna Lisi with her gorgeous green eyes and Max Showalter who started this whole mess.


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