My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

 I need to watch it again. My husband was laughing so much during this movie, I just have to watch it again. He is Italian/German and his grandmother on his mom's side spoke little English. And he connected to the family invasiveness of the Greeks in this movie. He could relate: and he had stories to tell me himself! But this movie - I love Nia Vardalos as Toula. Her character has grown as a mother, as a sister, as a daughter. For the love of her father that has passed, she heads off to Greece for a family reunion and a vacation that she desperately needs. Her mother fades in and out of remembering who is around her, but her long term memory brings tears to the audience. There's a lot less of John Corbett as Ian in this movie. The focus is on their daughter, Paris, and her want to keep a secret from her parents, and her want to keep a distance from the love of her life. This movie introduced the mayor, Victory, played by Melina Kotselou, and she did a great job as a quirky instigator who wanted to bring a miracle to her town. The cousins are crazy, the aunts are busy-bodies and the wedding did not focus on any of the main characters. I liked that. Oh, and there's a scary village woman. And a rooster. Yup, gotta see this again.


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