The Bad Batch

 I watched it. I watched all of it. It's long. Very long. But now I have a different view of Clones. I have a different view of them as people, not machines, not "good soldiers". Clone Force 99 is definitely unique, and yes, they are "defective", but that's what makes them unique. Granted, they lose members, and it's sad, but the core people stay together. Omega is really cool for a kid, and she has to grow up and learn her weapon quickly. Hunter is their leader and he has to make the call as he sees it. Tech is just oblivious when someone gives him a compliment, but he learns. Wrecker is pretty funny in a child-like way. He gets along very well with Omega. Crosshair is our problem: he's a "good soldier" and that, in his end, is the problem. He's a good shot, dead center, you might say, but 99 is his family. Echo leaves and comes back, as 99 is his family. The series doesn't really "end" - it leaves room for more adventures. The animation is well done: crisp, clear, creepy. The villains are true villains: they are after things for selfish reasons. Love those kinds of villains. And sometimes the villain wins. And sometimes, the villain loses. The Empire is a force to be reckoned with, especially with Admiral Tarkin on the lose. There are some others that are just as scary, but they all report to Tarkin. I really enjoyed seeing other senators, other than Leia Organa and Bail Organa. I liked seeing new worlds and how different they were. Breathable worlds, but different nonetheless. This series is worth the watch, but warning - it's terribly long. 


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