Dashing Through the Snow

 You know, I kept seeing the commercials for this movie and thought "I do like Luda. I should check this out." And I'm glad I did. Ludacris plays a guy that has a daughter and is still in love with his daughter's mother. Not sure if they ever got married or what that situation was, but there are feelings there. And Luda does not do Christmas. He had a moment in his childhood that ruined it for him for life, and now he has a daughter that loves Christmas, but Luda is just a Grinch about it. So what happens? Luda's character meets a Santa Claus. Stuck in a chimney, no less, but still. And they bond and the daughter meets Santa Claus, named Nick, and the crew has to run from a local politician that wants their ipad back. The ipad has info on it that could send the politician to jail. So what's a guy ta do? It was very funny, a lot of action and the ending was very tender to the heart strings. 


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