The Little Mermaid (2023)

 I'm actually glad that I took time to watch this. I am a true and die hard original animated Disney fan, so the soundtrack to the original animated "The Little Mermaid" sticks with me constantly. This movie surprised me. And pretty much set in the Caribbean. That does sound fitting for magical waters.

Ursula - ok! Ok Ok I can do with this Ursula! Go Melissa McCarthy! The voice, the cadence, the look, the hand movements - even the bolero! Ok! I can definitely do with this villain! But Flotsam and Jetsam don't talk? Like, at all? 

And Awkwafina...she's hysterical as Scuttle. I was apprehensive at first, cause I love the voice and cadence of Buddy Hackett, but Awkwafina adds her own twist to this. And "Scuttlebutt" - that's the song alright! 

The queen is lovely! Very new and different addition to this tale. I like her. 

I do miss the chef and "Les Poisson" song. 

I like that Prince Eric had a song. It's not the best song for him, but I do like that he had a moment. 

And no written contract, but blood. That's just cruel! 

Flounder, in my opinion, was better animated and had more to do. 

There was a lot of Sebastian and Scuttle for the side kicks in this one. 

And the sailors singing on the ship - loved - that! 

Interesting switch that Ariel saved the day instead of Eric, but to be fair, she watched him steer the ship before. 

Overall, I'm very happy I saw this. I had to keep an open mind to their version of the tale, and I'm glad I did. The choice in the actors didn't bother me at all. And all the actors did a great job with their characters. It's a love story and a blending of cultures to make a good future. I'd recommend this to any Disney-file even if it's just to compare the two movies.


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