John Wick: Chapter 2

 I totally enjoyed this movie. The action, the intensity, the back-stabbing, the rules. The rules, the rules, oh my God! There is order in chaos! So, yeah, John Wick refuses a marker from this guy and the guy blows his house up. Like, he does it on his own. He doesn't hire anyone else to do it, he does it himself. That's a baddie right there! And John finds him and they talk and he honors the marker. Damn. So, John kills the mark and then the baddie, Santino, puts a contract out on John Wick for 7 million. Dead. Damn. WTH? You just asked him to kill someone for you and just because it's your sister, you now want him dead? Men. SMH. So the rest of the movie is great, with John trying to stay alive and, before all this tomfoolery is going on, he makes sure that his dog, with no name, btw, is taken care of and is safe. That's the most important part of this movie. But yeah, lots of killing, lots of action, and the next best part, is John is NEVER WITHOUT A GUN! Good-boy! I have complained about people in movies and video games most of my life that they kill someone and leave a perfectly good weapon. WTH? Don't leave the weapon! Take the weapon! And John Wick does! This man was my hero for the rest of the movie! Yes! Kill someone, take their weapon! Use that! Never without a weapon. Or two! It was great! I won't ruin the end because I think John Wick made a mistake, but for the most part, this was an exciting movie. My only complaint was I watched it on Peacock. And Peacock has the sound level of their commercials WAAAY UP HIGH and it's blaring, and when you watch the actual movie, the sound level is back to normal. I hate that. But yeah, I'd tell anyone that if they enjoyed the first movie, see the second movie, but not on Peacock.


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