Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

 Let me just say, it's a good movie. But so many little things got to me. Like people! Stop wasting time! In the tunnel - DON'T STOP RUNNING! If something is after you, or your friend,  RUN! I did note the two mothers and the Hispanic child in the beginning. I noted the evil of the Scarlet Witch and her motivation to be with her children. I love Wong. He kicks butt! And Bruce Campbell and his cameo! I loved that! John Krasinski! I love him in a Marvel movie! I so love him in his role and I'm so glad to see him on the screen. Patrick Stewart surprised me and it makes me wonder if there will be more X-Men in the Marvel universe. I feel bad for Benedict, the actor, having to be a bit schizophrenic: he's gotta talk to himself a lot. And I don't like him with a third eye. It doesn't appeal to me. Lots of death in this movie, lots of senseless death. And a "walking dead" feel. I'm glad I watched "What If..." on Disney plus because one of the multiverses now makes sense and was not a surprise for me. And the fight with the music! That's just brilliant! That was just so creative and beautiful all at the same time! Over all, this was very entertaining!


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