Hotel Transylvania 4

 Not a bad movie at all. We were watching this on Prime and the video went fuzzy from time to time in the beginning. We had to come out of the movie and then go back in for it to clear. Otherwise, I totally loved the music in this one! Not a lot of Ericka in this movie and of course a lot of "Don't Tell Mavis" here. I was hoping their son, Dennis, would have been a wee bit older, but eh. Such is the life in cartoons. The adventure takes them to South America and the wildlife that they encounter is pretty sweet! Overall this was about acceptance and I just love the stuff that the gang gets into! And the human version of the guys - hilarious! Especially Murray, who I could have sworn was voiced by Ce-lo Green, but instead by Keegan-Michael Key. Overall, just very well done by everyone!


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