
 Wow. Michael Keaton twice in one year. So, I actually got free tickets for this movie through AARP (yes, I'm that old) so my husband and I went. This was not what I expected from Mr. Keaton. I did expect the humor and I saw so much of his usual nuances in his movements and how he says things, but this character was a new one for me. A gallery owner. He's trying to make it. His wife in rehab. He is now the sole parent of twins. And he has a daughter from a previous marriage who is going through things of her own. But Now Michael's character is being his from all directions in this movie: when will his wife be home? How does he keep the engagements that he needs to keep funding for his gallery? How does he keep a connection with the twins to let them know they are not abandoned? And how does he keep his word to his eldest daughter? So much stress in this movie, so many different things going on and at the end I just wanted to cry for some many different reasons. Oh, and he finds a male friend in this movie that is so needed. Someone to talk to, to connect with and God don't we all need that? If anyone is looking for that "feel good but sad" movie, this is it. And I have a feeling there are others out there who will connect with one or more of his situations at this time in his life.


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