
 This is one of my baby sister's favorite movies of all time so I had to check this out. Lots of recognizable faces: Paul Rudd, Alicia Silverstone, Brittany Murphy, Donald Faison and Wallace Shawn. So Cher has a teenage life. A rich teenage life. And her dad makes sure that she wants for nothing but there are rules and consequences for her actions. Cher, herself, starts helping people or saving them because they don't know any better. But in this story, she tries to save her friend, Tai, but Tai is really doing well on her own. And the entire time, Cher is missing out on having someone in her life to love. She has some very interesting moments with her bestie, Dionne, and it just reminds me of similar, but less flush with money ways, we had to deal with things in high school. Cher really is kinda clueless about basic things in life but she's slowing learning and slowly getting into her own way. It's a cute movie, and the small thing of drug interaction did lose me a bit, but it wasn't the main focus of the story, so that was cool. My baby sister has good taste.


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