
 I finally saw all of "Swingers" and just didn't see a plot. Not really. It's two guys who hang out with a bunch of other guys. And one guy, Mike, is a comedian and he's depressed over this girl and his guy friends are trying to get him out in the world and ask other girls on dates. And they hit Vegas. And they have all kinds of adventures with some really good music. And the only time I saw swing dancing was later in the movie, closer to the end. I get the idea of guys fighting one night and later on playing video games in the same apartment and drinking and having a blast and what not, I get that. I understand Mike's emotions of missing this woman so much as to hold up in his apartment for days going through an old box of memories (I just wonder what he's doing for money all that time). But over all this is not my best movie to watch. I like that Happy is in it (Jon Favreau) and silly Vince Vaughn and a guy named Sue (Patrick Van Horn) and Ron Livingston's character - just really great guys as people creating semi-interesting characters on screen. It's just not my go-to. But I watched all of it.


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