The Other Woman

 So, this movie came out in 2014 and my friend at work suggested I watch it. And I did. *sigh* Um, the main woman is Cameron Diaz, and yup, she's a little older, showing her age, but she's still a good looking woman. She falls for a guy, and then finds out he's married. Everything about her character is fine: she dumps him, she's learned her lesson, she moves on. The second woman is the wife, played by Leslie Mann. I want to see Leslie in another role. I really do. Cause this character is weak. She signs everything her husband brings her without reading it, she trusts that he has business trips to go on and is there for his whims and not hers. She put her life on hold for his success and then finds out about the mistress. She stalks this mistress and keeps finding her like they're friends. Granted, later they become friends, but in the beginning, this just isn't real. Cameron is the stronger one here as she really has nothing to lose. But Leslie's character has the world to lose and she crumbles and cries and drinks and she's not really thinking things through. Until they meet the 2nd mistress, played by Kate Upton. I didn't get to hear a lot from her character, as she's probably in the movie just to look pretty. But she's smart, and she's vengeful and it's fun. I like the brief character of Don Johnson as Cameron's dad. He likes younger women, he likes to feel younger with them, but he will defend his daughter to the end! Over-all I'd say this is a "chick flick" although my husband sat through the whole thing. I'd tell anyone going into watching this movie to watch Cameron Diaz's character. Her character is the strongest thing in the whole movie. I have a feeling, even if she never sees Leslie or Kate again, she'd be alright. Oh, and Nicki Minaj is Cameron's secretary, but not a very memorable character.


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