Mean Girls (2004)

 Yes, I am one of the very, very few theater nerds who had never seen "Mean Girls". And I hear people quote the movie and the show all the time and I have no idea what they're talking about. Now, I do. I watched it. New girl to a new school falls in with the popular girls. She shuns her non-popular new friends and then gets her life turned around by a guy. A guy that used to date Regina. And Regina only wants him back to make her upset. Her, being Cady. So what does Cady do? She gets back together with her non-popular friends and wages war. Such a war, and so conniving that it's down-right scary. Even the teachers and the principal get involved. And Cady's poor parents are clueless as to what's going on. So are most of the guys in the school. I couldn't believe this was a Tina Fey creation until I saw the credits. Wow, and wow. Quite a bit of thought went into this movie. My favorite character, though, was Karen Smith. She's kinda clueless, but she's all heart. I really, really liked her. And the rules these three "Plastics" place on themselves and all around them it just heartless. So glad they all learned lessons at the end of the movie.


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