
 So, to begin with, this was not worth all the "hype" that Disney has put out. Lots of merchandizing, lots of hoopla, lots of "in your face till you see this movie" kind of thing. So we saw it. The villain, was good: nice and selfish. Yea for Disney for putting the selfishness back into the Disney Villain: no backstory, no "oh but he's really good" - no. He's selfish. Period. Magnifico - excellent name for a sorcerer, a King or a villain. Asha was ok, but not spectacular. Her friends, on the other hand, were phenomenal. They were truly on her side! Loved - that. The queen was ok - she loves her husband, all the way to the end. But she's not blind. The star was cute. He's chubby and he can get angry, but yeah, he's cute! The goat, Valentino - I love Alan Tudyk. I do. He could have gone further. He could have been more with Valentino. He really could have. I wanted more from him. He is such a huge actor, a huge presence, has so much range, and Valentino could have been more. The music - I'm just not used to pop music coming out of the mouths of animated characters. I'm not there yet. The music was way too modern for my ears in this setting, this story, this time and place. The clothing, the buildings, the faces, just...everything was not modern pop music to me. I was expecting something more "Disney". The storyline was good: friendship will lead to victory. Asha has friends, and good friends are hard to come by. Friendship means everything, and her friends are her family. That's a good lesson at any age. So, yeah, I'd say go see it. I'd guess at this rate the holiday shopping season will be filled with Wish merchandise as this is the new big thing. But next holiday season, it will be something else.


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