Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

 I truly did enjoy this movie. It was good to see Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee. I was introduced to Mirage and Optimus Primal. There was death, there were close calls, and wow! Scourge! Voiced by Peter Dinklage! Wow, wow and wow! And Optimus Primal voiced by Ron Pearlman! Great, great cast! I think Anthony Ramos did a great job as Noah and Ms. Dominique Fishback was wonderful as the very smart and focused Elena. I love that the story didn't have Noah and Elena as lovers, but as friends. There was no love tension at all. That was so refreshing to see. So many high stakes all over the place and I like that the screenwriter put those stakes in the first, 10 to 15 minutes of the movie: this is what everyone is after, this is what is keeping them down, and now - the only way they can get what they want is if they all work together. And the music was pretty cool for the 90s. Good stuff! The action was constant and the tension was just so very on point. I enjoyed this as pure entertainment. Well done to everyone involved!


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