Peter Pan & Wendy

 I'm a Disney Naturalist, I think is what they call my kind. I love the original animation. I love the original shows. I love the "original" of most things. I had to watch this with an open mind. So, I like the songs the pirates sang. I really did. I love that Alan Tudyk is the father in this tale. He has the best agent. I'm ok with a lot of the animated original lines in this movie. I'm ok with a strong Wendy defending herself, since the title of the movie is Peter pan AND Wendy. I like that there is a Lost Boy with downs' syndrome, Mr. Noah Matofsky. He did a really good job in this movie. And the dog, Nana. I like Nana. Oh, and the Crocodile. LOVE the Croc! He's huge!!!! And yes, Peter is a wee bit full of himself. The character, historically, truly is. And as much as Wendy admires him, there's a limit. Tinkerbell and Tiger Lily are a big help to him during this tale. This is very woman -driven. Maybe the ladies should have their own movie. And the music - I love this hints of the original animated movie's music. Again, I'm traditional that way. So, yeah, if anyone has seen the animated version, then see this. You'll see a lot of similarities and BIG differences.


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