The Secret of NIMH 2

 This is sad. I really, really love "The Secret of NIMH" from back in the day. I really loved it because it was something so new and so good from something that wasn't Disney. A competitor. And the story was just...great. And the villain was just...pure evil and selfish and the heroes were not where the audience thought they'd be. But this...the kids are a little older, Timmy is not sick, Mrs. Brisby is a wee bit gray. Mr. Ages is still alive. And there's a new threat: or a perceived old threat, but something so crazy that it stumps the mice. The story line isn't bad, but a musical? I couldn't get past that. And I adore musicals, in general. But the story to me didn't lend itself to a musical. I would have liked to have seen this animated movie straight through, all words, no singing sections, and see what it would have done.


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