
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Court Jester

 Such an amazingly delightful film. But such should be expected from Danny Kaye. Danny plays a circus performer, trying to impress the Black Fox (whom, btw, is dressed in green and blue). Danny falls in love with the captain of the guard and later on in the film, the princess in their land falls in love with him. And her lady maid will die if she doesn't help Danny Kaye's character live to marry her. Such is one of my husband's questions now - is the maid still alive? And a wonderful performance by Angela Lansbury, so young, such a determined young lady! And Basil Rathbone, of course, who I didn't know could actually fence. Lots of funny moments from Danny and lots of good adventure and cunning! Well worth a second watch!

The Outsiders

 Lots of star power in this movie. Stevie Wonder, for one, with the intro song and the credit song, "Stay Gold". Ralph Macchio, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Matt Dillon and Diane Lane. Very young actors. All did a really good job. What I took away from this movie were these things: rabbits don't care who's around as long as they don't bother them. Anyone can survive running away from home if they have a pocket knife. A pocket knife can give someone a decent hair cut. Troubled greaser kids get into trouble and two die. One for something and one for nothing. And the fighting. Ugh. Kids. Senseless. Such a dark movie. It's good to see the stars as youngsters but yeah, a dark movie.

Judge Dredd (1995)

 I had never seen this film and my husband said it was just silly. Well, now I've seen it, and it's not silly, it's just violent. With a touch of family thrown in. I don't get Rob Schneider's role. What's his purpose? Is he supposed to be comic relief? Are we following the story through his eyes? Does he have to be in every scene for the audience to get the flow of the story? And how many stories are there in this movie? Everyone's background comes to play in this story. Out of everyone I really did like Max Von Sydow's character. Very noble, willing to let everything play out, and even when injured, he's a good man. Over-all it's a revenge flick, throwing in some really late-blooming love there. It's definitely Stallone and action all over this thing. I'm glad I saw it, and yes, I'll keep the DVD, but not my favorite.

The Secret of NIMH 2

 This is sad. I really, really love "The Secret of NIMH" from back in the day. I really loved it because it was something so new and so good from something that wasn't Disney. A competitor. And the story was just...great. And the villain was just...pure evil and selfish and the heroes were not where the audience thought they'd be. But this...the kids are a little older, Timmy is not sick, Mrs. Brisby is a wee bit gray. Mr. Ages is still alive. And there's a new threat: or a perceived old threat, but something so crazy that it stumps the mice. The story line isn't bad, but a musical? I couldn't get past that. And I adore musicals, in general. But the story to me didn't lend itself to a musical. I would have liked to have seen this animated movie straight through, all words, no singing sections, and see what it would have done.