Hocus Pocus 2

 This was a fun movie. Not as good as the original, but it was fun. Three friends must save the town of Salem on Halloween night. The three friends remind me of the Halliwell sisters from the new "Charmed" tv show. One of them, though, is a witch! And she must save them all! The adults, again, do not believe, but one adult does - because he was there so many years ago! I was sad to see the black cat, Binx, did not return in this one. I liked him. Overall, this movie showed me childhood friends can come in handy and that people REALLY need to talk to one another. The young versions of the Sanderson sisters did a great job! I know they had a blast on set! My husband said that Disney did it again: they un-vilify the villains. He misses the days when villains were villains for villain sake. Evil was evil was evil. Disney took this in a different direction. Ah well. It was still a good movie and the music was very clever!


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