The New Mutants

 Um, well, this was not what I expected. The previews showed this as a horror movie, and it did have a good bit of horror in it. But these are mutants. They are teenagers. And there is something fishy going on at this school. I love watching Maisie Williams in anything since "Game of Thrones" and "Doctor Who". She's just great to watch. The rest of the cast did a very good job creeping me out and making me jump from time to time. The story follows Mirage and her talent. Her bears in her life. And how her power affects the others. And it's just creepy and real and then it's magic and then it's very different than any other X-men movie I've ever seen. It's not for the faint of heart. But they do get to care about one another and there is nothing in this world like a "team". 


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