Ghostbusters: Afterlife

 I really, really enjoyed this movie so much better than the last "Ghostbusters" movie. The music was just spot-on in every scene, the young actors showed a lot of what normal kids go through growing up, moving to a new place, being out of place with their peers, but finding that one friend. And learning about your past. McKenna Grace, who plays Phoebe, isn't really recognizable in her character! Well done! I never would have pegged her in this! And Finn Wolfhard is definitely that quirky teen trying to prove himself and finds an instant attraction in a new town. Love Paul Rudd as Ant-Man, but here as Mr. Grooberson he finds a light and possible answers to his research in young Phoebe. And poor Carrie Coon who plays Callie - one bad thing after another brings her to this farm. This "Dirt Farm". Poor thing. But she finds a lot of trust in Mr. Grooberson, even as ghosts take over the town. This was an interesting ride and yes, a few places I just "jumped" from things I didn't expect. And of course, yes, yes and yes! On the guest appearances! Especially during the end credits! In order of my favorites, GB 1, GB afterlife, GB 2. Definitely.


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