Ron's Gone Wrong

 This movie was better than I thought it would have been. Barney is just a kid without any friends. And everyone at his school has a B-bot. Just like, in today's world, everyone at school has a cellphone. Everyone is connected to the internet. And every cellphone is watched and connected by a company. And that company has a guy who created the program that everyone loves. And then, one day, Barney gets a B-bot just like everyone else. But something goes wrong. And now, his B-bot "thinks". It's very "Short Circuit" meets "Wall-E." Not only do we follow Barney and Ron, we also follow the story of Savannah and her popularity because of B-bots and Rich with his pranks with B-Bots. The grandmother is one of the best characters from this story, and I can't really place what country she's from, but she's a hoot and she cares so much for her family. This is definitely worth a second view!


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