Funny Girl

 Wow. Just... wow. Babs was just excellent. I had heard one song from this movie ages ago, and now I know there are two songs that I've known all my life and they are both from this movie. "Don't Rain on My Parade" I always knew was from this movie. But now I know "People" is too. This courageous woman, Fanny Brice, knows she's talented, knows she just needs a chance and she takes a chance and she sings her heart out and she finds a friend who takes a chance on her. And then she gets the applause and the notice of a man named Nick. And then luck follows her to a full-time gig. And then Mr. Ziegfeld. Wow, what a start to her career! And then she takes a chance on Nick, but she never really got to know him. Not the "real" him and his career and what drives him. So marriage, a baby and her career has exploded and his luck has changed. Such a young girl doesn't realize that men can sometimes have a lot of pride. And they must say when they need help, if they need help and how. And it hurts her, and it's so real, and there are so many things going on in her mind and in her heart. Not only for the man she loves, but for the daughter that has this in her history now. Such an excellent movie. Just well done. And now, to watch the special features...


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