The Suicide Squad

 This movie wasn't as long as I expected it to be. It also didn't start off like most typical Hollywood movies - with a back story, a lead-in, the journey to where they are now....they had a cleaver way of going back and forth to the present to the past and showing the audience what lead up to why they are on the mission they are on now. And the sacrifices that had to be made in order to achieve the objectives of one organization. Most of the characters were not ones I knew or recognized so it was fun to get to know them. There was a lot of "gore", a lot of blood shed and a lot of "male butts" in this movie. And the main evil of the movie was not what I expected. Most of all, for me, I loved seeing my friend, Lynne Ashe, on the big screen. She played Polka-Dot Man's mother and she was fantastic! She looked like she was having a lot of fun and she had a great cast to play along with! For DC fans over the age of, I'd say, 12 or 13, this would be a must-see, just to see the characters. 


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