The Descendants 2

 You know what? Not too shabby! The continuing story of Mal and Ben and all their friends. And the audience is introduced to new peeps. New evils. New friends. New loves. And new squeeeee.

I really enjoyed the music, especially "W-I-C-K-E-D" and there was another song in the movie that was really, really good. The sword fighting was well rehearsed. Even sat next to my husband, the fencer, as he watched them dance. And dancing in water. I could only put myself in the place of the stage manager for that scene and I just....sighed and tried to get my ASMs ready for clean up. 

Good lessons to learn in this one, though: say "I love you" when you feel it and always be accepted for who you really are. Good lessons. And I do like Ben. He tries to do the right thing, he really does. And the dog - yeah, the dog needs to behave. 

All in all, good movie. Can't wait to see the 3rd installment.


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