Coming 2 America

 OMG that was funny. It was just stupid funny. Arsenio and Eddie are just completely stupid together! The premise of the movie was cute: the eldest daughter wants to rule, is able to rule, but the law is that a male heir must. And Eddie's character has a male heir back in Queens, NY. But the son falls for someone and that will complicate the motives that Eddie's character has for his son. I like that the eldest girl for Eddie's character and Lisa is a strong woman in her own right and has proven herself a true and wise leader by demonstrating it, not by just being "female." This movie doesn't just "hand over the right to a woman because that's what needs to happen these days", you see the progression in the movie that she earns that right. I wished that Wesley Snipes' character was meaner. He came into the movie a badass the end he wasn't. I wanted him fierce. I wanted him the villain. I wanted him to cause war. But no. And his character has a son, too. I wanted more on his development. The musical guests were amazing to see! I loved being taken back in time with music! Overall, this is what the world really needed right now. With everything so horrible from 2020, we have something funny. Something uplifting. Something positive. Something "not so serious." So yeah, this movie was needed.


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