Typical 2020 - And The Bourne Legacy

 So, I tried to edit on FB my Film and Movie list and what happens? I accidentally deleted it. All my viewed movies in 2020. Everything I've seen this year, everything I want to see in the future  - gone. Luckily I have the original list on my computer, but here in the blog, I'll just review the movies I've seen and privately cross off the ones I have seen on my own list.

So, October 2020 I saw "The Bourne Legacy." I was bored with it. I mean, just, really. I'm just bored with it. Watching a man in the snow. Watching the other side of what happened in a previous movie. No real villains. And the end, just watching a man sail away and he just doesn't wanna play anymore. I was just bored with it. The first two Bourne movies were better for me.


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